I live in the UK. I am on a shared water supply with one neighbour. I have reduced water pressure when they use their water at the same time. I am finding it rather dangerous as the shower turns to scalding hot, then clicks off all together and then comes on again freezing cold when they stop using their water. I have been in touch with SW Water. They say this is a problem of having a shared supply and there is nothing that they can do about. This doesn't seem right or fair. I pay the same water rates as everyone else, surely I should have a supply that is constant. Has anyone experienced the same and can you tell me how you overcome the situation.
The current supply pipe to runs across my neighbours access into my garden. If I had it replaced with a nice new one would I have to get their permission and would I have to pay for their access to be dug up and put back as it was?
If I replace mine but they still have their same old one will it still be the same?
Many thanks for any advice that you can give me.