> Aloe Vera plants dying?

Aloe Vera plants dying?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Aloe Veras do not need direct sun and putting it into the sun all of a sudden did some damage. Mine get morning sun through a window. The ones outside on the porch get indirect sun.

Too much sun will make them brown.

Is the pot a few inches deep?

Too much water make the roots rot and makes the plant store up too much water. The soil should be completely dry before you water it again. And the pot needs to drain real good and it should not sit in water because sitting in water will give it root rot

Looks like one pot inside another pot. It should be in one pot so it will not hold moisture.

Melanie ji:

1. Ensure that the pot has a hole to drain out excess water at the bottom/(bottom side) (just lift the pot and check it out)

2. looks like your aloe plant has been watered in excess. so donot water it .. (water every alternate week only if the soil is dry.. if the soil is moist no need to water.. only when the plant faces the extremes of nature the root system will develop and seek water .. so donot water till the soil is moist.. )

3. looks like there is not enough soil in your pot.. and the roots of the aloe plant could be touching the bootm of the pot .. so you do need to remove the aloe plant and add more soil.. add soil upto the top (1 inch space from the top is more than enough..)

4. you can cut the dead leaves (the one that have become horizontal) as they are adding to the problem.. let all the resources of the plant be used in creating new leaves instead of trying to revive the old ones.. so cut off the dead leaves.

5. Depending upon where you are staying .. if its not too cold (no frost) then its best to keep the plant outside in the sunlight. If it gets cold in the night its adviceable to bring it inside (till the plant has grown up and its root system is restored.

6. Donot Water the aloe plant in the evening its best to water them in the day when its warm

So I can see problem as..

- Check if your pot has a proper drainage system if you donot know just go to a local nursery and ask the gardner how to ensure the pot drainage system is not blocked.

- Add more soil and the aloe plant does not need to be kept so deep that the roots are touching the bottom of the pot.. you pot needs to be full of soil it looks half empty..

- cut off the leaves that have gone bad and water the plants only in the day when its hot not in the evenings.. once in 2 weeks with 10 ounces of water is more than enough (300ml)

dont worry its not rocket science.. and if the roots are ok the plant will survive (just cut the dead leaves.. donot over water and check drainage system of the pot add more soil.. check if the roots are not touching the bottom of the pot.)

Best of Luck!!

Do not put water, as your plant has gone in to shock due to change of atmosphere and soil. if you feel u need to water then then just sprinkle water on top of it. do it for 2-3 months and it should be okay.

I recently re-potted both my Aloe Vera Plants cause I believe that they were getting over watered. I switched the type of pot they were in to a clay pot and re-potted with succulent soil. I have cut back on the amount that I was watering them to once a week. I also have been putting them outside to get more sun since they sit beside one of my windows instead of in front of it. Some of the leaves were rotting around the base but since re-potting I haven't had that issue, but now the leaves are turning spotted black. I have uploaded some pictures of both my plants, the one I call the small plant is on the striped towel and the big plant is on the wood floor.

Small Aloe Vera Plant


Big Aloe Vera Plant

