> Ant Poison?

Ant Poison?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
You are okay. A lot of the ant poison has boric acid in it.

It gave you some gas.

depends what poison it is and how much you ingested. these people can tell you for sure

For a poison emergency in the U.S. call 1-800-222-1222

American Association of Poison Control Centers

Tsk! Silly billy. Take more care next time.

you're fine shuddup.

I placed some Ant Poison down on my desk, my Gatorade bottle fell over with the cap off, luckily nothing spilled, but the ant posion touched it the ring, I then drank from it later on after forgetting about it. I think I may have ingested some of it. My stomach keeps making weird rumbling sounds, I am really worried will I be okay?