> Are black bed sheets really a bad idea?

Are black bed sheets really a bad idea?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
From an article called "5 Things I’ve Learned During My First Week Alone":

"Black bed sheets are a bad idea. All excited about getting to decorate a new room, I came up with a classy palate of purple and black. To go along with it, I bought a super cute purple duvet and some elegant black sheets. All was well (and looked awesome), until I reconnected with my ex (long story) and… well, let’s just say that having sex on black sheets means I have to spend the money I’ve been saving on washing my jeans to wash my sheets. Sure, they look great, but they aren’t very practical if you plan on getting freaky."

well unless you are eatin white icing in bed...laugh..

I have never had that problem..just pull them and wash in cold water so they do not fade..

I think black sheets are not the norm..so people disc them..

a black sheeted bed can look mature and chic when well made


sheets are going to get dirty in the exact same amount of time, no matter what color they are. if you've already bought them then what's the problem? just wash them when they get dirty.

Nope, you can wash them in hot water and soap just like the white ones.

Yes, they show every mark and stain.

Bad for whom???