> Badly painted ceiling?

Badly painted ceiling?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I'm guessing the new paster gupled down the wetness of the paint?

So a couple of coats later the lines won't show - paint in different directions each time.

I think you are going to have to get shot of the lumpy bits though - a circular sander will make this a bit easier - start with a coarse grit and work down to a fine one. Good luck - horrible job.

lightly sand the high spots and repaint don't use coarse grit paper ,it will show marks and you will have to fill or do more sanding then needed.

Next time either seal it with dilute PVA or wallpaper paste or thinned emulsion paint. Obbital sander now.

hi there

i recently had a ceiling plastered and when it dried out i painted it.

the thing is theres a lot of paint lines and congealed lumps of paint that have shown up after drying ive painted every ceiling in the house and never had this happen.

i am thinkin the only way around this is to sand and apply another coat the only thing is what type of sandpaper to use or any other advice would be great.

thanks for your help