> Bedroom Wall Stencil?

Bedroom Wall Stencil?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Here's one that looks really similar that is a downloadable stencil. :)


Here's another https://www.etsy.com/listing/62763007/wa...

And another http://lemontreecreations.blogspot.com/2...

Looks like it's called "hour glass."

difficult step seek on yahoo and bing that can assist

My mom found this picture posted on pinterest and fell in love with the wall stencil. Unfortunately, it did not tell us where to find that stencil. I have been searching online for it and I found various sites that had quite a bit of different stencils, but none quite to my mom's liking.

Do any of you know where this stencil is located? I would be forever grateful!

Or do you know of any that are kind of similar? (She doesn't like patterns that are too small and close together.. too much going on for a bedroom wall. She also likes more modern/contemporary stuff)

Thank you to anyone who can help!