> Best way to keep room cool (without air conditioning)?

Best way to keep room cool (without air conditioning)?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
your room is a perfect setup for a swamp cooler which is a water source dripping on to a matting of some type with air blowing through it. If the air is not too humid it will be almost as much cooling effect as an air conditioner. Perhaps simply a damp towel hanging in the windward side window.

The best way to keep your room cool is use the green curtains in your room,it helps to reflect the sunlight.Make sure that the paint and color you are using are light color.Grow green plants and keep healthy things around you to make the house cool.

Putting each window up some will draw air into the room. You are lucky they are opposite from each other.

Box fans are good to use. One in front of a window or in it will drawn night air into the room. This is good if the night air is cool.

Fans blow the hot air around. Placing big hunks of ice in front of a fan in an ice chest will help a lot. Placing wet wash rags on the ice and using them on you arms, face and neck helps. Splashing cold water on the face and arms help too.

Ice can be make in gallon plastic jugs, soda bottles and containers of some kind.

It may help to turn the water heater down too.

There is one fatal flaw in your question, you say you live "upstairs" in a "bungalow" - I don't think so - bungalows do not have an upstairs, that is what makes them a bungalow

A fan in one window blowing air out, and the other window(on the shady side) open to let air in will help. Get a fan as big as your window.

There are several options. he most expensive would be a portable air conditioner. I'm leaving out window mounts as they usually need a dedicated circuit which would make things even more expensive. Next best choice would be a ceiling fan. The cheapest option would be an oscillating fan. While the last two would just serve to move air around, this does have a cooling effect against your skin. The air conditioner actually removes heat from the air.

I do not have air conditioning in my house...

I live in the bungalow upstairs.

I have two windows (one on each side of the room). I have a window by my bed and was just wondering the best way to keep the room cool during the summer without any air conditioning.

Anyone have any good tips or any good fans that they have used that would cool the whole room?
