> Bonsai plant from walgreen?

Bonsai plant from walgreen?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
I bought a bonsai plant from walgreen but it is stuck in the planter pot like crazy glue stuck I want to replant it but i can't get it out PLEEEEEEASE HELP!

Its a typical issue with "mallsai" ( bonsai sold in malls ).

Breaking the pot would not be a viable solution, unless nothing else works.

They usually use some sort of paper glue ( white glue that gets transparent once its hardens ) on the top soil surface to prevent it from falling off.

On the long run its going to be bad for the tree.

It prevents effective watering being the main issue ( there are others but at this stage its not that important )

Best approach would be to use a tool ( chisel, chop stick, nail and hammer ) to carefully crack one part of the surface and slowly proceed from there.

Or you could loosen the edges all around the pot and then remove the whole root mass and soil from the pot, and from there work your way to remove the glued top soil.

Try this video :

put it in water to soak for a few minutes. It will be dead already go get a refund

Break the pot. Now that was simple.

Try sharpening a chop stick and poke into the soil throughout the pot to loosen the soil, (but not too close to the trunk or main roots, until you get it out of the pot then dust off the old soil).

I bought a bonsai plant from walgreen but it is stuck in the planter pot like crazy glue stuck I want to replant it but i can't get it out PLEEEEEEASE HELP!