> Broke the balcony?

Broke the balcony?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
If the balcony broke so easily, the landlord needs to know that the property was not maintained in a safe way. You shouldn't be in any trouble. The landlord should have made sure this was safe. What if you had a child who had been on the balcony with you?

If it is a non-functional balcony, you should have been informed and warned not to use it.

Exterior property damage is up to the landlord to maintain. If it isn't safe to stand on, then it should not have been made into a balcony that is commonly known to be able to stand on. or to put a planter on. if testing it to see that it would even hold a planter caused it to fall, be glad that you and anyone else wasn't hurt by it. You might want to inform them, and the rest of the community in knowing how dangerous this might be if there are other's around like it.

Hi.. This will sound impossible, but it did just happened.

I'm renting a new flat (haven't even been here for 3 weeks yet) and there's this tiny balcony outside the living room. There's no door to it, just big window, so maybe I wasn't even actually allowed to get there, but.. I went there today, and I accidentally pushed the balcony wall down.. I was sitting on the windowsill and rested my feet on the balcony wall (it's not really tall, just up to the knees) and it just went down..

What do I do now? Do I call the agency or straight away the landlord? What's going to happen? Is he going to make me move out because of this? I'm really scared and still in shock..

The good thing is that nobody got hurt and I'm very thankful for that..

Please help me.. I'm in panic mode..