She must have some form of food or sweet in her room. Best thing you can do it spring clean it! Clear out all the junk! Wash he clothes and strip the bedding and then you'll be able to determine where the ants are coming in from! (Personally i'd make my 14year old do it as there's no excuse to have your room that messy it's attracting wildlife!) Once it's clean, Sprinkle talcum powder all over her floor and leave for a few hours(2-4) Hoover that up and then buy an ant trap,, Much safer than a bug bomb!
Well my 14 year old daughter has a very messy room. For almost a week now, there have been these small black ants accumulating in her room. I was planning on just bombing her room to get rid of the ants, despite the fact that her room is VERY messy. After I bomb it how long will she not be able to go in there? And is there anything I need to specifically take out? Thank you in advanced.