> Can a spider reappear when it's been lost?

Can a spider reappear when it's been lost?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
If it's a Daddy Long Legs, it cannot hurt you or bite you. I would keep a book or magazine by the bed and some Kleenex. You can kill it with the book or magazine and pick it up with the Kleenex to dispose of it in the toilet.

Sleep in another room if you are worried about it. Generally, spiders are much more fearful of us than we are of them so it should stay away now that it knows that you are alive and can hurt it. They don't like peppermint so get some of that in oil form and put it on cotton balls beneath furniture around your room and your bed.

There are many bugs sprays that kill on contact. Ortho makes a good one. Get the one that kills the largest variety of spiders, including the brown recluse and black widow spiders. Spray this around your home, esp. underneath and behind furniture where they go to hide and stay away from people :)

The Ortho brand that I use lasts a long time, possibly a year without repeat spraying.

Although possible, it really isn't likely. The spider probably hightailed out of your room.

Not to worry, spiders don't bother sleeping humans, and is very rare to have one crawl across your bed, much less on you.

No spider is going to hurt you just crawling on you.

It is just sad you fear spiders, I have a couple in my room I usually just watch crawling on the walls.

They have never been a nuisance, and I even let them crawl on my hands.

This little guy I put back on the wall after getting a photo:

If your room is full of spider, try staying up late on the weekend or when you have no school/work, and everytime you see one, get up and kill it. Also, you can try to see where they come from, and block that area off. If they come out in the day, kill them in the day, and at night if you are to frightened/nervous sleep on the couch until you feel they are all gone. Also spray a bug spray.

Yea, if its in the vicinity then nothing is going to stop it from crawling wherever it wants during the night. Go sleep on the couch or something.

yes, it is can.

Ok I'll explain...I have a terrible phobia of spiders and just as I was going to sleep I felt tickles up my arm and realised that it was a spider...it disappeared straight after and well I lost it in my room...is there a possibility that it could resurface during the night? I'm tired but I know I won't be able to sleep because I know it's in my room somewhere...help?