> Can a thermal remediation treatment truly kill bed bugs?

Can a thermal remediation treatment truly kill bed bugs?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Not 100% probably 99.9%

My house has been infested with bed bugs for 3 years now. Ever since I brought my friend to live with me for a few months, he brought his infested items into my house from the lame group home he had been at which was heavily infested. Anyway ever since then my house has been infested, first I contacted a local cheap company, but they obviously didn't know squat about these things. They said to take every single item out of the house so they could vacuum and clean carpets and spray. Well they immediately resurfaced. So I contacted a company called Hornet. They fumigated my house and I left everything in there and stayed at a motel with my cats. Except I messed up and brought a few things with me and found bed bugs crawling around the hotel. So after fumigation I had no bed bugs and thought it had gotten rid of them but about 5 months after they reinfested the house again. So I contacted the Clark Pest Control company and had them do another fumigation, did everything they said and washed my cats and showered and got new clean clothes and left everything in the house. So no bed bugs for about 5 months again then I notice baby ones crawling near my bed again and some adults. Clark said I must have reintroduced them again. I am now going to try their thermal remediation treatment, but want to make sure all of them die. But is thermal remediation treatment really successful? Also my closet and a few rooms have a lot of cluttered items in them like boxes can that block gas or heat?