> Can i keep Christmas lights on while i sleep?

Can i keep Christmas lights on while i sleep?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Hummmm - this isn't considered a really good idea for your nerves and brain. Your brain really depends on total darkness during the night. Light in the room really does change the brainwaves and deprives you of sleep.

What we have now are a bunch of electronic devices all around with little red lights on them - like chargers. There's also electric clocks with glowing faces. All this stuff is not a real good idea. Pitch Black is the idea if possible.

Yes.. Ha. They're made to stay lit outside all night. As long as you turn them off in the morning, they'll be fine.

Maybe turn them off when you're sleeping just incase

So I thought it would be cute if I put some Christmas lights in my room, so I put them around my headboard (on my bed) and along the 2/3 meter bookshelf above my bed. I read the tag but the letters were kind of smudged. They aren't that old either, it said they were made in 2008. They haven't gotten very hot and I've had them on for awhile too. So? I really don't want my house to burn down. Thanks!