Run a piece of 1 x 2 around the top of the wall, and attach your carpet to that at the top only, letting it hang. You'll have a bit of an air gap between the carpeting and the wall, which will also help.
try putting foam rubber on the walls to absorb the sound. it is cheaper and a whole lot better.
Remember, foam rubber wallpaper is not just for the looney bin.
IMO, you'd be better off using cork sheets on the wall.
I have a wall that is approx. 8 ft X 14 ft. I want to hang a piece carpet to completely cover the wall and a door to sound proof it. Is there a type of carpet that is best for sound proofing? I figure thick carpet should be adequate but what kind of carpet and how thick should it be. Also I plan on attaching the carpet to the door and then cutting out the carpet just enough to open the and close the door.
Anyone have any good ideas on this problem?