> Cheap ways to personalize my temporary apartment?

Cheap ways to personalize my temporary apartment?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
double purpose furniture is good for small spaces, when you rent your options are more limited-I guess its a matter of how long you plan to stay & how much money you want to spend. If you are only there a year or less I'd go with the minimum. If its going to be 3-5 years or more than invest in more pieces artwork.

Well, I'm finding some ways on how to re-decorate my temporary apartment without my landlord getting mad, I've been following this guide: http://leasing.dmcihomes.com/affordable-personalize-condo-unit/ but I think It is not enough especially in the flooring. I've put temporary wallpapers in my walls using a fabric with interesting patterns on it as mentioned in the guide. Now I am having troubles in choosing the right kind of affordable furniture. Should I buy a double purposed furniture? Any ideas?