As low as 13.50 a s/f???PLUS ?? No way.. 13.50 a s/yard plus pad and labor isn t bad at all.. ALL flooring must be sold by the s/f now.. Federal law.. So an average carpet should be in the ball park of 3$ a s/f installed with a standard pad.. So for 800 s/f your looking at a bare minimum of 2400$..Each place has its policy on rip out , disposal and furniture moving so those can be a big varable..GL
My pets have done a number to my carpet so I'm thinking about recarpeting the whole house. I have 2 bedrooms, a hallway, and a living/dining room. The carpet is probably around 800 sq. ft. One place I've seen says they do carpets for as low as $13.50 per sq. ft. plus padding and installation. I need to know approx how much this is going to cost me