Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Clean it up all actions have reactions pity you had to learn the hard way,Be honest and tell your mom but also do your share to clean it up.I am sure that will make all happy you can't just leave it there you are inviting other problems as well.

Clean it out. You can't just leave it there. There's probably not a mouse in there.

Well under my bed I left a packet of crisps there over 6 months ago, and I didnt close under my bed (its like a storage thing). I had to hide the crisps from my parents, because I swore not to eat in my room and if I tell them they will be sosoooososooso mad at me (im 14). I think a mouse has come under my bed and possibly died there because when i opened up underneath my bed there was this weird smell, and a fly flew out so I think there could be maggots in there too. I've been sleeping in my siblings room for the past two weeks and I cant invite friends over because of this.I know this is really bad and Im so stupid for not throwing the crisps out but what do I do??? ???????