> Do I need trim on an interior door?

Do I need trim on an interior door?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Of course you can have a door with no trim. It just requires paying more attention to the edges. In a small room like a bathroom you probably will not even notice it once it is done.

I will suggest you to not opt for a trimming at the first place. You can do without the trimming. But if you require it, make it custom designed according to the available space you have. Concern to a local contractor and take his advice. Best of luck.

We ordered a custom vanity for our main bathroom. The vanity is going to sit in an alcove that is perpendicular to the wall housing the door. The sides of the drawers are flush with the edge of the vanity. What we didn't take into account was the trim surrounding the door. If we install the vanity, the drawers on the left hand side (near the door) will not open more than 2 inches or so because they hit the trim on the door. The contractor suggested getting another custom vanity with different styled drawers (but after spending $1000 on the first one, there's no way a second one is in the budget. He said the alternative would be to saw off the left most side of each drawer to basically make it fit. Wouldn't a simpler solution be to just remove the trim around the door, and then I guess spackle and paint and just go without trim? My husband doesn't think it would look right, but he also thinks that popcorn ceilings look "cool", so I can't use his judgment. Any suggestions? Thanks!