> Do air conditioners pollute homes?

Do air conditioners pollute homes?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
So, I know they are harmful to the environment; but should I be worried about the air inside my house when running an air conditioner? Should I get some household plants?

A properly functioning air conditioner will not pollute your home. To put it simplistically, all an air conditioner does is use a fan to blow air over a series of cold pipes and out the vent. Theoretically, if those pipes are damaged the chemical coolant could leak and be blown out, but very quickly the air would no longer be cold and the damage would be discovered. So... if the A/C is cold, there's no pollution in your home or out.

The most important thing that you can do is to replace your filters often. A normally overlooked contaminate are 2.5 micron size particulates. Once ingested into the lungs, they are difficult to remove. So you should look for filters that can keep these particulates out.

Another alternative is to install an air conditioner system that uses HEPA filter technology. You may want to research hospital clean room systems. This alternative is quite expensive.

Air conditioners do not pollute your homes. I grew up with air conditioning and never experienced any of my air conditioners polluted the air.

Air conditioners are no more of an air pollutant than a refrigerator.. Where they actually hurt you is the electricity. your homes air is naturally 3-10 times dirtier than the outside air even without any form of A/C. Plants help freshen the air regardless.. if you are worried about air quality in your home having a high grade air filter in your furnace/ A/C unit helps as well as an actual air filter machine..

No air conditioners pollute homes...

So, I know they are harmful to the environment; but should I be worried about the air inside my house when running an air conditioner? Should I get some household plants?