> Do tree roots let out moisture if they are cut?

Do tree roots let out moisture if they are cut?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
The wet dirt is probably caused by hitting a water or sewer pipe, oh my. I really feel the pain here. I am digging a 60 foot trench thru many tree roots and not a drop of water. Call "Call before you dig!" and find out what they hit and make sure they repair it before you pay for job. Contractors drive me crazy, they should have called to see. Thank god they didn't hit a gas line as many do and blow up the house. It is a simple call but they are lazy bums. Not all but 10% give a bad name to the rest.

We noticed a wet spot about 12" diamter in our soil where ground is being cleared and leveled for our pool. My husband dug down a little to see what might be causing the wet spot, but only found a tree root that had been hit with the shovel while digging. Is this possible that the wet dirt was caused by the root?