> Embarraased of ants in my house ?!?

Embarraased of ants in my house ?!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Exterminators do not use borax because it can ruin most carpets and it is not good for the soil. They quit using it years ago because it ruined carpets. They use Maxforce gel and the ants take the gel to their nest where there can be 3,000 ants and the queen that lays the eggs. The nest is the source of the ants and the nest has to be destroyed because the ants will keep coming in.

Terro is good for ants that like sugar and a protein bait is needed for the ants that do not like sugar.

Mix one part borax with 4 parts sugar . Add hot water to make a syrup. Put it in a squeeze bottle from dish soap, and squirt it wherever you see the ants, and all around the house outside. In 2 weeks, you won't see an ant anywhere.

Ginger Powder. Ants will not cross it. Hit the perimeter of your room or wherever they are most concentrated and work outward. Mist smooth areas with water and shake ginger powder on that. It will dry.

Do this. The stuff Really works, and fast. Does not kill, but it deters fantastically.

try ant glue traps and bordering the house with borax :)

Wintergreen oil is supposed to deter ants.

Just be honest with your friend about it. She is your friend, she will understand. Just tell her they are probably coming for the massive pile of sugar cookies you have hidden under your dirty laundry in your closet.

Its time for you to put your foot down! No I mean literally! Stomp them bastards!

Okay so at home idk why but there are alot of ants here and there ( everywhere but the kitchen ) . We get rid of them but they always come back . My friend is over and she seen a ton of ants in my room & im so embarrassed . What do I do ? We have raid but it never keeps them away and i feel weird killing ants while she sits there looking like she is ready to leave . Its so embarrassing ! Help ?!