> Family computer in my room?

Family computer in my room?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
You are unlikely to get a laptop as long as this computer is in your room. You have 4 more years until you turn 18/graduate. That's a long time. Look around your house for any other place this computer can go. Can it and the desk go in the dining room, for instance? Explain to your dad that you need your room to be your room, and see if you can get him on your side. If you don't speak up nothing will change. Don't worry about the laptop; your big problem is the lack of personal space.

I agree that the laptop issue is separate, so don't mix the two together. I'd recommend you approach your parents in a mature way by telling them you have something you need to talk to them about in private. Then ask, "When would be a good time?" Though this may seem ridiculous, trust me that it will prepare them mentally so they can actually HEAR you.

During the talk, do not give them reason to get defensive; use only sentences that start with "I": I'm not doing well with the computer in my room anymore; I need more privacy; I need my room to be mine alone; I need a quiet, safe place; I'm stressed by the unannounced visitors; etc. Once you've talked, then STOP TALKING & LISTEN. Allow them time to respond. DO NOT SPEAK! If they try to argue, calmly repeat that this arrangement no longer works for you. If things get loud, ask to table it for 24 hrs.

Give them time to come to the right decision (it works!) Then, save ur money for a laptop; it's a lot cheaper than rent!

You need to swing the laptop idea into their favor. "Mom, nobody has desk top computers anymore! Wouldn't it be better to have a family laptop that all of us could use anywhere in the house? You could sit right on the couch and use it! Then we could get rid of that desk and make more space in my room." And if that doesn't do it, "Dad, I'm 14! I need privacy! Can't you do something to help me?" Guilt always works on dads.

Oh,,,, Then you hog the laptop! LOL!

Make everyone get Ipads.

Im 14 year old boy. My parents keep the family computer in my room. Its horrible. Every second I look over, someone is in my room using the computer. I have NO privacy. My mom has the desk that the computer is on cluttered with stuff. Most of it she hasn't used in years but wont get rid of it. I think she has a slight hoarding problem. But to get back on topic, I never any privacy. My sister uses it, my dad uses it, and my mom. I cant even lock my door because they have to come in to use the computer. I don't like it. When I have others that I don't want in my room, I feel like I cant breath, and my muscles feel as though they are all tensing up. Its really a bad feeling. I want to ask them to move it out, but I want a laptop to use recreationally, and for school and I feel that they might say "You had a computer but you made us move it" And wont give me the laptop. I cant bear to live like this. I wanna move out as soon as I turn 18. Any suggestions of what to do?