> Fire alarm going off out of nowhere?

Fire alarm going off out of nowhere?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
k so the fire alarms in my house have been going off in the middle of the night. They dont just go off once, but sevral times over and over. We dont know why this is happening. Help?

Either it needs replaced or may be a combo unit that is sensing an elevated level of toxic gas.

We had a combo unit outside our bedroom on the second floor (near our bath) and we had to move it after realizing that when we went to the bathroom and flushed the toilet during the night, (Asparagus urine, Our Heavily chlorinated town water and simply farting next to it would set it off.

I'm not joking.

Check the manufacturers date and if 10 or more years old, replace it immediately.

They sell types (I bought "Kiddie") that have a 10 year battery that never needs replaced for the life of the unit.

If it's new and not a combo unit, I would still try replacing it and if another one does the same i would more than likely call the local fire department and ask them advice about getting someone out to perform some testing.

Do you mean the smoke alarms, or do you have an actual fire alarm system that is operated by an alarm company? If it's a system, call the company that operates it; usually it is a battery that needs to be serviced. If they are individual smoke alarms, are they battery operated, or hard wired into your electrical system? If they are battery operated, replace the batteries (you're supposed to be doing this when you change the clocks in the fall). Usually these alarms are programmed to give you alerts to warn you that the batteries need replacing. They are designed to do that to get your attention.

If it's a hard wired smoke alarm system, then all I can suggest is checking if there is some kind of discharge going on. Cooking fumes? A vaporizer? That may set them off. I've seen a defective steam valve on a radiator set off an alarm.

You will know if it's a fire alarm system, and not a smoke alarm, if there's a central control panel for it someplace in the house, with an indicator panel and push buttons. That would have the name and number of the company that operates the system. I'm thinking it's more likely you just have smoke alarms.

ok so the fire alarms in my house have been going off in the middle of the night. They dont just go off once, but sevral times over and over. We dont know why this is happening. Help?