You are investing this much time and effort in the fact that you found one bug????? A bit obsessive are we?
Okay, so my family and I moved into a duplex that is apart of a little complex of duplexes. I am a very clean, organized person. I sweep and vacuum about three times a day, counters are wiped clean immediately after meal preparation, dishes are washed and put away right after use, I even lift the cover of the high chair and wipe under there every time my one year old eats. When we moved in the place hadn't been cleaned, but due to circumstances, we decided to go ahead and move in and clean it ourselves. So I can tell you, these people weren't the best housekeepers. We have been here three weeks and yesterday at about 5.30 pm, I had some potatoes boiling on the stove. I had moved and went back to check them and when I looked up at a picture frame i had propped on the counter and there was a roach sitting there, bold as brass, lights on and all. So I grabbed the nasty sucker up with a paper towel, tossed him down the drain and turned the garbage disposal on for a few minutes. I decided to experiment and left all the lights in the kitchen and dining area off last night and would periodically sneak in and flip them on, look in cupboards, drawerers, under microwave.... Nothing. I don't think I have found anything to imply an infestation, but I don't work in pest control. I was wondering if the beast snuck in from a neighbors somehow? I read seeing them in the day is a sign of infestation, but I can't find one at night! Calling landlord of course, but meantime what do I do??