> Fresno, CA Neighborhoods?

Fresno, CA Neighborhoods?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
river park area. by fashion fair is decent and by fig garden village

A LOT of Fresno areas and streets are not safe. This city and nearby cities of Modesto and Merced seem to be filled with a lot of Meth Labs. If you pick up a local Fresno newspaper --or available online--you can read the weekly "police report". The whole central valley area is suffering due to the Ca dought and crime.

The Chamber of Commerce has an online site too that you can glean a lot from. Remember some streets that are safe now, may not be safe tomorrow. Life has changed.

Which areas better to live in in Fresno, CA considering safety and nearby amenities such as parks and shopping. It would be especially helpful to have this information by map or by giving street boundaries. Because I'm not from around there I'm mostly looking at town via google maps. Thanks!