What kind of compensation is suitable depends on the degree of inconvenience the work causes you. Since neither you nor anyone trying to answer this question knows that, no one can say what suitable compensation consists of.
Some construction work is taking pace near my home. In order to connect to the utilities I will lose access to my driveway, the dig will be to a depth of at least 7ft. I have not been told how long it will take and to be fare I haven't yet asked. I would though imagine it would be several weeks as every conceivable utility is below the pavement in front of the driveway. The company doing the ground work have offered a new dropped kerb when the work is complete.
At first I thought this was reasonable compensation, but I am now being to think otherwise.
Should I ask for more, perhaps a new drive way or some compensation, and if so how much? Or should I just be grateful for what I have been offered?