> Hardwood repairing?

Hardwood repairing?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
my big dog pee beside my hardwoodfloor n now cornes of the floor have kinda of bubbles and want to know if i can fix them

alot of people mistake laminate for hardwood but hardwood is 3/4 of an inch thick and a one time accident shouldnt effect it to the point of bubbling as you describe so its most likely laminate and the only fix is to replace it as it comprised of pulp and glue and delaminates if liquid sits on it for anything longer than 10 minutes

Unless you get that big dog house broke or out of your house,i wouldn't worry about fixing that one place as the dog will just do it again in the same area or in a corner.Having said that ,you can use some warm soapy water and wash the area good and then put a fan on the area to completely dry the area.If the varnish or stain is faded,re- do it.

my big dog pee beside my hardwoodfloor n now cornes of the floor have kinda of bubbles and want to know if i can fix them