> Help! Bat bugs or bed bugs?

Help! Bat bugs or bed bugs?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Bed bugs bite. Try carpet beetle.

So tonight I laid down in bed, ready to pull out my book and start reading, when a little round bug starts crawling up the side of my bed. I quickly grabbed the empty plastic cup from my nightstand and trapped the sucker. I thought it looked really odd, I'd never seen a bug like it before. My heart sank when I remembered the whole bed bug epidemic that has been going on. So I googled it, and naturally the stupid thing is IDENTICAL to the photos. Small, roundish, brown-ish, and flat. So I started panicking. I knew bed bugs were bad - but I didn't realize how bad until I started googling. But then I came across an identical bug to the bed bug - the bat bug. I felt a little relieved, because last summer we DID have bats in our attic, which is right about my room. We got rid of them probably in September. From what I'm reading, bat bugs tend to migrate to a new host once the bats are gone. Could this dumb little bug be a bat bug, and not a bed bug? From what I'm reading, it seems that bat bugs aren't as annoying, although still require an obnoxious elimination process. How likely is it that, since we got rid of the bats last September, this is a bat bug problem? Or, is it more likely a bed bug problem, which is probably my worst nightmare.

I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight. I'm headed to the couch, that's for sure.