> Help! How to get rid of a spider?

Help! How to get rid of a spider?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Spiders love to play dead. I am still living with my family so i always get someone to kill it. Im extremely afraid of spiders and my aunt even more so. When she lived by herself she used cleaner fluid like windex, etc. and it works.

Tips: don't use a broom, it will just run away into a safe hiding spot.

It's not much use now but for next time..... On Amazon you can get a spider catcher, I got one for my sister when she got her new house as she panics and something like a spider would have her in a right frenzy! She likes the spider catcher!

Take the tapestry down, shake it out, kill the spider.

Ok, so I am deathly afraid of spiders, they scare the sh*t out of me even though I know I'm huge compared to them. But on my ceiling I have a tapestry and I found a medium sized spider in the corner of it with a web. I didn't mess with it all day and noticed it was kind of moving around. Suddenly I decided I would not be able to sleep with it directly above me so I tried killing it. It was so hidden I can't be sure it's dead so it might be inside the hanging tapestry. I'm worried that if it is in there long enough, will it hatch eggs? What do I do? It's a legit phobia of mine so this really freaks me out. I'm not even sure it's alive but I'm to afraid to check.