> Help! I found spiders in my Peace Lily!?

Help! I found spiders in my Peace Lily!?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
fill a pail large enough to full submerge the plant container and all....then fill it to a level about an inch or 2 above the plant level...the plant and the container should be totally submerged..remove the plant and fill the empty pail with water and add about a teaspoon of simple dish washing liquid to the water. do this while the water is running so the soap mixes well...leave the bubbles in....then lower the plant into the pail full of soapy water....allow it to stay in there for about 5 minutes....no matter what type of spiders they are this should kill them...but the lay eggs so do this once a week for about a month to get rid of every last one of the little suckers.

You need to spray with insecticide for plants.

Small, tiny, and white. They also make small webs on the leafs. Are they mites?

I live in the hot Phoenix desert. I've been finding tiny spiders and webs on my Peace Lily for about a week now. I mist the undersides of the leaves daily.

It doesn't seem like any of my snake plants have spiders. I have young sprouting chives and basil seedlings. Will they be at risk?

How should I battle this? A bottle of nasty chemicals? Or is there a better way?