> Help ! Very important?

Help ! Very important?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
So for 1 week i have been sleeping at my grandma's house. And i have 20 mosquito bites! What should i do? They are very itchy and i can't stand it...

Are you positive they are mosquito bites? Make sure you check around the mattress foldings and under the mattress to rule out bedbugs.

You could use a mosquito spray,or use insect repellant on yourself.On the bites use deoderant on those bites will stop the itch imediately and they will not swell.Trust me it works.

To stop the itching and get rid of them ridiculously fast use clear gel deodorant. I do it all the time and they stop itching immediately and are almost completely gone in at least 3 hours

A fan blowing in the room will keep them off you.

A paste made out of water and baking soda will help the itch.

Anti-histamine cream - and a mosquito net to stop them biting you again.

Before you go to bed, shut bedroom doors and windows and spray the bedroom.

When you go to bed, keep windows closed.

As to the bites, calamine lotion will help.

Use Ammonia on bites, they itch less.

So for 1 week i have been sleeping at my grandma's house. And i have 20 mosquito bites! What should i do? They are very itchy and i can't stand it...