> Help reading property line description?

Help reading property line description?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Begin at a point 73 feet south of northeast corner of lot 6, then go south 42 feet, then west 140 feet, then north 42 feet, then east (it says 14 feet but I assume this is actually 140 feet) to the point of beginning. If you know which pin you have located the rest should be easy. You might borrow or rent a metal detector to locate pins that have gotten buried or overgrown.

We are wanting to figure out our actual property lines so that we can put up a new fence. We are contracting for deed my childhood home so anything you would get during the purchasing process, we currently don't have. The plat map for my particular property is nowhere to be found and being a very rural small town, they don't care too much. We are looking to have it surveyed but no one can do it for months.

The city did help by saying to use our property description once we find the "pins" in the yard to figure out how far back the property goes back,

We found the first pin in the front yard but have no clue how to read the property description.

Are they going by feet? inches?....we are dealing with an acre or less if that helps but can someone help me decipher this so I now how far to go?

TR IN N2 LOT 6 BEG AT PT 73' S OF NE COR LOT 6 THN S42', THN W 140', THN N 42', THN E 14