> Homemade bee and wasp repellent?

Homemade bee and wasp repellent?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Tea Tree Oil and Benzaldehyde

Mix tea tree oil and benzaldehyde in equal proportions. Spray this mixture on window sills, doors and other areas where bees may enter the house. Repeat this procedure for at least 3 to 4 days to stop the entry of bees completely.

Cucumber Peel

Bitter cucumber peels are one of the most effective natural bee repellents. Just place the peels on your kitchen shelves or suspected areas to drive the bees away.

Soapy Water

At times, a bee wanders off from its way and enters your home. Mix some mild detergent in water and spray it on the bee. This will drive away the bee from your place without killing it.


Spreading cinnamon near beehives will force the bees to shift their colony somewhere else. Do this daily for a week for long-term results.

Planting Peppermint

Bees do not like peppermint plants and their smell. Planting peppermint around your house will create a protective field.

Dishwashing Soap and Cooking Oil

Prepare a mixture of one cup cooking oil and one tablespoon of dishwashing soap. Add 3 tablespoons of this mixture to a quart of water; fill it in a spray bottle and directly spray on bees.

Applying Herbal oils

If your pet gets stung by bees frequently, just apply lavender oil or cedar oil on your pet’s neck and ears. This will keep the bees away from your pet without harming them.

Crushed Garlic

Soak an ounce of chopped garlic in water for few days. Dilute this mixture with normal water and spray it on non-flowering plants to keep the bees away from them.

Vanilla Mixture

Add one tablespoon of vanilla extract to a cup of water and apply it on your skin. This is handy if you are planning to go outdoors in bee-prone areas.

Use Dettol and Baby Oil

If you do not like the smell of vanilla, you can also use diluted Dettol or baby oil as an effective bee repellent.

I am horribly allergic to both and there are so many outside that im afraid to go outside because if I get stung i'll go into,anaphylactic shock and im alone all day until 4 pm.

( I am 20 years old and currently struggling with several health issues so I dobt wanr to take any chances)