> How can I get 5,000 dollars??

How can I get 5,000 dollars??

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
The only way a 13 year old is going to get 5 grand is if he steals it or its given to him. You can't work and with your 50 bucks a week in allowance, assuming you wouldn't touch a penny of it, it would take you 100 weeks, or 1 year and 1 month to save that much. And I hate to say it but 100 dollars doesn't redo a whole room, even if you're a super good budget planner. You've got 4 years to worry about it. Just get a job when you get out of school and use that money to fix it up. It would be just like paying rent. Just put aside a percentage of your pay and use it on the house. I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but that's reality.

a typical little house in the US costs 400 a month for upkeep and repairs and 400 a month for taxes, annual expenses, and insurance.

it sounds like no one has been keeping up with the maintenance and repairs.

when you are 18 can you earn this and still be able to afford transportation, car insurance, university fees, food, electricity, phone, internet, natural gas/propane, water...?

just from what you describe, shoring up the floor joists and replacing the sub floor will cost somewhere around 10,000. a home equity loan might be in order if the house has any equity. do NOT put money into a house that is not YOURS = your name on the deed.

is the house cute, or have any redeeming qualities that make it worth saving? is it a mobile home ready for the landfill? is it ready for the wrecking ball?

could it be your passion? have you seen the movie The Notebook? a home of our own?

my home is my passion. understand now that homes cost about 400 a month to run beyond the mortgage payment/escrow. my house gets only the best. I recently replaced the water heater and the toilet. only the best. the best roof costs 10,000. the best paint, the best repairs. so, is this house worth "your best"?

watch this video. this man LOVES his house. gives me goosebumps.

Get a job at macdonalds or somewhere like that and save, it might take you 2 or 3 years but that's alright just keep at it. Good luck mate :)

you cant! thats the hard truth.but after you get 18 ask for bank load and after that work you *** off to pay for the loan.

Okay so I'm 13 about to be 14. My dad has this house and he said by the time I'm 18 I can have it. But there is some flaws. The carpet got ripped up, and there is a huge hole in one of the walls. The floor is weak is certain parts in the living room, master bedroom, and one of the small rooms. Then the kitchen needs the tile to be finished which would cost 100$. My dad said he doesn't have the money to do all of that. Keep in mind that we have had the house for 5 years. Is legal to babysit? I have already thought about helping people do yard work. I get paid 50$ in allowance every week but I'm just starting to save. My dad pays me to help him do certain stuff. I have thought about garage sales. I already knew you can recycle cans. So I'm gonna save cans and recycle then for money, it might not help a lot but it will help a little. Do y'all know what I can do to get AT LEAST 4,000$? I'm not doing anything online. Thx for answering!!(:

I will give best answer 10 points!!!!(: