> How can I get rid of ants?

How can I get rid of ants?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Well you can try spraying them with cooking oil spray like PAM but the cheaper the better. Spray the trail, where they get into the house, and the foundation outside. The oil creeps and will eventually smother the individual ants and apparently contaminates the bed and gets the eggs. I did this treatment last year and found three places they got into the house and this summer my neighbor has mentioned that we don't even see any.

If you've tried a lot of things to get rid of ants and nothing works, you probably have a pretty serious infestation. You're going to have to spend some money if you don't want it to get worse. You need an exterminator to set off bug bombs. It'll work, but it costs money and you can't be inside your house for a certain amount of time. You will need somewhere else to stay for a bit.

Take some borax ,mix with equal part confection sugar and put it where kids and pets can't get it, like under an upside down flower pot, Take half the mixture and add enough water to dissolve it, soak cotton balls in it and leave on a saucer near where you see ants, they take the powder back to the nest and kill the queen and workers and the ones in the house will suck on the cotton balls for water and die, it is cheap, it works, and isn't as toxic as most commercial stuff, just keep it away from dogs, cats, and kids

Going after the source of the ants, the nest, is what needs to be done. There a queen in it that lays a lot of eggs and there can be 3,000 ants in the nest.

Some ants like sugar and Terro is good to use. Some like protein and a protein bait is needed. Testing the ants with some sugar will tell you what they like. Sprays do not go into the nest. The first ants left a scented trail for the other ants to follow.

The nest can be outside and some ant bait around the nest will take care of it or it can be under rocks or the edges of the side walks or in a wall.

The ants will take the bait to the nest and this can take maybe a day or 2 and the bait will be fed to the queen and this will take care of the nest of ants.

If the ants are huge, they can be carpenter ants and there's powder for them.

ants is weak and unmoved in water

Been having issues with ants for about a year now. Tried everything from sprays, which helps for maybe a day. And peanut butter based traps. They aren't fire ants thankfully but they are a big annoyance. They mostly show up in the bathroom, kitchen and my game room on the couch.

I need a sure fire way to get rid of them that is pet friendly and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.