> How can I make my bedroom look brighter?

How can I make my bedroom look brighter?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
It is painted a light beige, the trim is white. It does not face the sun. At all. Ever. Any lighting ideas or anything to make it look brighter and not so dark and cave-like?

No worries if Mable won't choose the best answer; as long as I've shared a bit of my knowledge, it'll be enough. :)

Well, try having a track lighting


They will surely add light to your room; also use light colored comforters, decors, pillows and everything else, so your room will look comfy and refreshing.

Use mirrors on walls opposite to the light source. Also use bright color linens for your bedding, pillows and curtains. Colors creates great effect at a place so use proper color scheme.

You guys are wasting your time, Mable never chooses any of your great answers : (

It is painted a light beige, the trim is white. It does not face the sun. At all. Ever. Any lighting ideas or anything to make it look brighter and not so dark and cave-like?