< Then buy a stuffed cat instead.>
-they come in various colors. Some wear hats and sunglasses.
. Today I noticed a small hole in my sliding screen door, PROBABLY from the cat. You realize you are Judge, jury and executioner? And you have no proof that it is not a manufacturing fault...or a storage fault or a delivery fault. I have holes in my screens and bugger if I know how they got there cause I don't have a cat...and I live by myself.
. So either I goth them that way, or I did it somehow.( Nothing to get anal about. I look at "How do I fix it" or can I fix it or does it need to be fixed(in the grand scheme of things)?
. So I make a pot of coffee to dwell on the issue.Now "WHY" would a cat do that after all a cat walks with claw retracted. Kind of like sticking your tongue out. It is a conscious effort. Same for cat. It would use the claws in defense, catching mice or birds or climbing trees. So not the cat. because a cat has 5 claws and you found only one hole. Hmmm, do you have a deformed cat?
I would say not. Also the cat does not have a favorite leg so why is there not 10 holes up there? That is probably because the cat did not do it. Start watching out for very big mosquitoes...or birds who mistake the window as being open.
. "Repairs have to be done immediately"...but, do they? If the house was burning down, screens are not THAT important.
. House is clean. That is all your snoopy parents want to know. It does not need to be perfect. You got wood floors, you don't want scratches on it then get a carpet runner. that runs down the middle. You can always toss that away and buy another when it gets filthy. Otherwise just vacuum it. Maybe even once a year take the runner out onto the lawn and hose it down to wash the dirt off and leave it outside for 2 days to dry out. before hauling it back inside to be reused. The house will not last 100 years so get real. You won't last 100 years. The cat, it has 9 lives...so maybe it will.
. If anything stains the wall or carpet...who is this "anything"? The cats name? No? So why are you not blaming this anything character for the hole on the screen? Carpets can be shampooed and walls washed or repainted.
. Now lets say the cat did do it? Would it not have made more sense for the cat to jump on your face and scratch your eyes out first? You can't blame the cat when you cannot see. But the cat did not do that so I find the defendant innocent of all charges pressed against it because "there ain't No Proof" Defense rests.
When you were a child, you were living in your parents' house and they didn't want anything to be scratched or broken. I grew up during WWII and 'things' were hard to come by, and even worse, nobody had the money to replace them. It was a major fault in my house if a cup was broken. However, I'm an adult now, and I am in control of my own dishes/furniture/house, and I don't blame anything like that on my upbringing.
It is NOT inhumane to declaw the front paws of a cat, but you can't let it outside where it could be attacked by other animals. It stays inside forever, Kicking a cat is disgusting and abusive. If you don't like damage to your 'things' give the cat to someone who will appreciate and love it. And go see your doctor for a referral to a psychologist. Life isn't worth living if you're constantly agonizing over these small things. Don't sweat the small stuff !!! THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE NOT THINGS.
I am similar to you but not to that extreme. It does have everything to do with your childhood. It is hard to let go. I know in my case, "Things" were a substitute for love. That is why they mean a lot to you.
When I had a cat she would spend a lot of time in the garage. My other ones were outside mostly. I still would love them and give them attention, but that way I didn't have to worry too much.
The bible and my faith has helped me to be more balanced in my feelings. I know that anxiety and especially having attacks is very difficult, but you have to learn to take it with a grain of salt. Just realize that we are soon to have a perfect world. However, until that time, we will be disappointed in various ways.
Isaiah 65:21-25
21 They will build houses and live in them,
And they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage.
22 They will not build for someone else to inhabit,
Nor will they plant for others to eat.
For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree,
And the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full.
23 They will not toil* for nothing,
Nor will they bear children for distress,
Because they are the offspring* made up of those blessed by Jehovah,
And their descendants with them.
24 Even before they call out, I will answer;
While they are yet speaking, I will hear.
25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together,
The lion will eat straw just like the bull,+
And the serpent’s food will be dust.
They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,”+ says Jehovah.
I have had cats all my life. They will scratch everyplace in the house, but not usually on the scratching pole.
It's just their nature. You seem like you are afraid of your parents reaction to seeing the damage. If the cat is really making you this anxious, you may have to consider rehoming the cat.
First i am an animal lover, but kick the cat. No better way to teach it and no animal is worth damaging property ( dogs digging/ peeing etc) and possible parental anxiety. Im alot like you with my vehicles, i grew up treating them better than myself, 02 subburban with 4 kids still like new (except for rear end replacement) things happen like your screen, and im mellowing out by reminding myself crap happens, things will get used. There is a difference between used and abused. If kids scratched the floor cause they dragged something, well there not to bright, neglagence is abuse...
Call doctor
see a psychologist , declaw your cat,find a new activity that you can do that makes you feel that you are in control.Continue to read your bible.
I am very particular about keeping my furniture and house in tip top shape. If anything stains the wall or carpet, I get very angry and anxious. If there is a scratch on my door, floor, or furniture, I almost cannot deal with it. Repairs have to be done immediately, or I feel sick knowing it's there. Today I noticed a small hole in my sliding screen door, probably from the cat I accepted from a friend who had to leave the country. I almost cried.
I don't think I'm supposed to feel this way.
When I was a child, my parents scolded and occasionally beat me for making a mess of the house, spilling anything, or damaging any furniture. A pencil mark on my desk got me a huge scolding. My worth was assessed based on how clean and undamaged I could keep my living area.
I'm an adult, and yet still I am extremely scared of seeing any sort of damage/change done to my home. I understand that she does not scratch out of spite. I realize that I will have to deal with damages to my home, though the problem is that my parents helped finance the home and they occasionally come to visit. I'm constantly in fear that they will judge me over these small damages.
How can I stop having anxiety attacks every time I see her scratching the couch? I have a scratching post, but she still scratches the couch occasionally. I can't even go near my screen door now because the damage (barely noticeable) makes me cringe so hard.
I can't even enjoy living here.