When a rug is to be stored for more than a few months it should be cleaned, sprayed with insecticide, and wrapped in protective plastic or a tough synthetic paper like "Tyvek"? building paper. Don't use newspaper or common brown wrapping paper. These materials are not chemically stable (they are usually quite acidic), and do not provide the protection from insects or moisture the stored rug needs. Make sure the rug is completely dry. Think twice about using moth balls or flakes--these materials have little repellent effect, and the odor they impart to the rug can be difficult to remove. Cedar scent is useless in moth control. Store the rug in a clean, dry place out of the reach of squirrels or other rodents. Periodic inspection of the rug is strongly recommended.
Before you roll it, first fold one end about 1 foot from the edge. The roll from the folded edge. This will prevent the rug from getting a permanent curl on that edge. It's also okay to fold the rug if that will be more convenient for storing.
Be sure to roll them with the top side in and then tape them with masking tape. Do not store them in any damp place,such as a basement. Wrap them in a heavy plastic bag and tape the end.