We are real tight with the water. There's 2 of us. We use a washer only when there's a full load, a dishwasher about 2 times a month and wash most of the dishes by hand. Take showers.
We drink bottled water, make coffee with it and cook with bottled
water. There's a lot of gallons there.
We don't water grass. Most of the plants don't need to be watered, cactus and aloe vera plants, under the soil is dry.
We are in the Houston, Texas area, but our home office is in New York, if that makes sense. When ever we can get a person to talk to on the phone, they have a heavy accent. We think foreigners own the water company.
I mean, aside from the 8 glasses of daily water intake, how much does an average person need to say, prepare food, wash dishes and laundry, take a bath, etc. I saw some small houses on the internet and the water usage for the houses made me curious.