Pick a theme. Do you want an ethereal fantasy land? Peaceful place to escape? Fun and games?
Also google pink room, and check the images. Every kind of pink wall, or no pink on walls but in the accessories.....you'll get a ton of ideas.
To go with the Denim, i think that a magenta color would go best, but you don't want your room totally dark, so try one wall magenta and the other 3 a lighter shade of pink
First of all you should change your window blanket to make your room more attractive and then you can focus on other things for decorate your room.
ideas to make my room a bit more girly
I want to paint my room pink but I don't know what shade of pink yet
my bed right now is a stompa casa 4 (white bunk bed) and the futon is denim. I can't change the bed because I only got it two years ago
I want my room to be quite lightly coloured (no dark colours) not bold and quite plain but not but not boring
Any ideas on what color/shade I should use and acsessorys (sorry cant spell) btw I'm only 13 and I still love kiddy films and stuff like that so I don't want my room to grown up but it does need to last a well into my teenage years