A hook screwed into the joist is asking for trouble.
you need to measure carefully and mark the hanging spot == get some reference points and go into the attic [[ hubby does that part ]] and see if the place to hang the chair is supported on the attic side of that ceiling == get a 2inch by 10inch board and place a section in the joists on the ceiling screw it down and use right angle brackets for stability === then use a long section of that board across the ceiling joists and screw that long board to several joists on either side of the ''''hanging spot'''' ---- this will give mucho stability to the long bolt with eye to hang the brazilian rocker === you have great stability and a positive installation === use a bolt and nut [[ not easy to do but the best would be a lock-nut so the bolt rides on the washer and the bolt with lock-nut will turn if someone uses the hanging chair for a twirley swing [[[ let us hope that action is never used ]]] .... 4 mo info e/m XTX .............
Pre-Drill the holes in the joists/rafters, or you'll have trouble screwing in the eye bolts. Also you need to find out which way your joists are running. Probably be better to use two joist to secure chair than one. Lastly when your child gets bigger that hanging chair will turn into a swing (guaranteed)
Three inch eye-bolt at 5/16 or 3/8. Use a 1/4 inch drill bit to pre-drill holes. Stick a piece of tape on the drill bit. This will tell you how deep you need to drill, don't go any deeper then the eye-bolt.
sure an eye bolt will be strong enough provided you choose the right size personally i would choose one 3" to 4" in length and 3/8 inches in diameter you'll want to make sure your solidly into your rafter and a 2 point connection would prove more solid should you choose to use two rafters instead of one they are set on 24" intervals so after locating the 1st the second is mathmatically ez being a builder it is common to have two workers on the same rafter for different tasks during construction so should you only prefer one connection your weight of chair/occupant(s) will not over-burden the capacity of the rafters integrity in what would be deemed normal everyday use hope you find this useful and beneficial for the sake of your intent
My husband and I recently bought a hanging hammock-chair from our travels in Brazil, and we want to hang it in our nursery in lieu of a rocking chair. I have read elsewhere online that simply screwing an eyebolt into a ceiling joist will be sufficient, but it makes me a little nervous - will an eyebolt be sufficient to hold the weight? I don't worry about the integrity of the joist, just the hold of the eyebolt.
So my question to you guys is: what is the best/safest way to do this? We'd prefer to not have to access the attic at all if possible. My husband has considered hanging the chair from two points to distribute the weight, but we just not sure how to proceed. Thanks for any pointers!