> How to get rid of field mice in garage?

How to get rid of field mice in garage?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Get a humane mouse trap, its reusable and fairly cheap. Dont spend money on food, just put a piece of swiss cheese in ther (not joking, it works!). Had the same problem, got a cheap metal mouse trap that would catch the mouse inside, and we let it go in a field about 6 miles away. You shouldnt have a problem catching them, we got both in about a day. Make sure to check it every day though.

no need to pay.......the answer is simple mouse traps.......use peanut butter as bait, because mice eat seeds.

The sticky glue trays work very well. Lay them all around the base of every wall. Also clean your garage.

I agree with pbear

That and mouse poison

Recently we have acquired a mouse problem to the point where I have found 2 inside the house! Our garage is filled with things, which I feel may be the main issue but maybe I am wrong. So my question is, would we need to pay for ongoing extermination to keep the mice away or will they will they simply go away if we emptied the garage? Which would be more economical and effective?