After you find out what to use and how much, you might can buy it from pet stores, like Pet Co.
I read good article on this topic at Budgetpetcare blog. You need to read this,
You need real protection such as Frontline,Advantix etc,not collars which don't work so well.Ask your nearest vet for advice.When you get that buy your treatments online as it is much cheaper.Ticks are very dangerous,be careful and check the dog regularly.
You need a flea collar and flea shampoo
I advocate the use of natural methods to control fleas out of concern for the health and wellbeing of our pets as well as ours.
Spot-on, oral and other commercial medications to control fleas and other ectoparasites may sound like a convenient and practical way to control these unwelcome creatures. Unfortunately, all of these popular medications contain pesticides and toxic chemicals that will adversely affect the health of your dog sooner or later and in the most severe cases cause deaths (see links below). Additionally, if you pet your furry friend you will also be exposed to these poisons. Read Oral medications such as Trifexis and Comfortis are also toxic to your dog.
Many vets nowadays play down these adverse side effects and often attribute them to other causes. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that many vets are involved in the sale of these medications. Consequently, many dog owners are slowly poisoning their pets with the blessing of their vets and most never make the connection between their dog's health issues and these commercial parasite control products. What has gone so wrong with the ethics in medical practice nowadays baffles me.
Pet owners trust their vets, expect them to keep up with information regarding dangers to their pets and be warned by vets about the adverse effects of any medication, but this is not happening. The lesson here is that it is not wise to believe that every vet has our best interest at heart and it is up to us to take control, get informed so that WE make the best decision for the wellbeing our pets as well as ours. Keep in mind that more health issues will mean more vet bills in the long run.
If you are concerned about the health and safety of your pet, you can control fleas effectively and inexpensively with natural methods to avoid exposure to the toxic chemicals of Frontline, Advantage, Comfortis, Trifexis, K9 Advantix, other popular flea medications, flea collars or flea baths which are harmful.
Check this link for recommendations on natural, effective and safe alternatives
Additionally, you can dust your yard where your pet roams with inexpensive diatomaceous earth. For more info on its use to control fleas see
Perhaps you may want to try safe and natural herbal products that you can sprinkle on your dog's food to make body fluids less attractive to fleas and once they jump on your dog and take one bite will move on. Check the internet for available options. One example that has worked well for my dog can be purchased at
Good luck.
The Internet is loaded with reports regarding the adverse effects of these medications, including deaths which the manufacturers of these medications do not bother to disclose to the public. Since there is a limit of 10 links per answer, I can't include them all but you can easily find more of these reports with a simple Google search. Here are a few useful articles:
So I have a small Chihuahua and she has been going out side in the fields a lot and we noticed that she had been scratching that she had lil bugs what is good way to get rid of the because she is a indoor dog and I don't want them on any body