> How to get rid of spiders?

How to get rid of spiders?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
First, you might consider therapy for your extreme phobia. Dealing with your fear will make dealing or even living with the spiders much easier.

Spiders like dark places, and no doubt you also have pest insects the spiders are feeding on.

Spiders are not big on human activity either, but basement rooms are an ideal sanctuary for spiders, especially if the humidity is above ambient. Same goes for insects.

I really hate to see people needlessly fear spiders, they are really the good guys, but too many people brainwash themselves into fearing them. It isn't like someone told you that you had to be afraid of spiders, and people that know little or nothing about spiders, nor taken the time to get familiar with them are very obvious.

You may never rid the spiders completely, and there is nothing that is effective to repel them.

Usually routine cleaning with a vacuum will keep spider numbers to reasonable numbers, as well as rid a lot of their food.

Overcoming your fear would help you live in harmony with spiders,

As for sleeping in your room, none of the spiders will ever bother you, and the more you occupy your room, the less likely spiders are apt to take advantage of your room.

You could always poison your room, but that would be more harmful than any spiders you will have indoors.

You can get rid of spiders by following some technique:

1. Clean your home, get everything organized first.

Spiders like messy stuffs so they can hide in or find prey.

2. Vacuum your house get rid of any leftover foods and crumbs that can attract

others bugs or insects that spiders might prey on.

Vacuum up cobwebs, spiders webs to destroy their home.

3. Kill any bugs, insects, and any other food sources that the spiders can eat.

The spiders will run out of food and starve, or turn into cannibals and eat

each other.

4. Hunt them down, look under crawlspaces, basement, attic, doors, garage,

and even outside your house like your yard.

5. Seal any openings in your home, windows, doors, or cracks outside your


6. Prey insecticides on the perimeter of your home to keep bugs and spiders


7. Clean your home regularly.

I can't look at a photo of one either,let alone be in the same room as one !

I've heard that putting chestnuts( called "horse-chestnuts"in the U.K.,they're the sort you CAN'T eat),just in their brown skin ,in the corners of your rooms will keep these nasties away--as I can't resist picking these shiny brown chestnuts in the Autumn,I've tried this to good effect

I brought spider killer spray from these guys (http://www.pestcontrolsupplies.co.uk/cra... ) and now no problem with spiders.

clean the spider home daily

make it pay rent

Okay so I am deathly afraid of spiders, I can't even look at a drawing of one. For some reason my room is the hang out spot for spiders. I've killed 4 of them within the last 2 days!(During summer of 2012 I killed over 40!) My room is: downstairs in a carpeted basement, a moderate temperature, and I keep the lights off 99% of the time. What is attracting the spiders to my room, and how can I repel them or make them stop ''spawning'' in there? I keep my window covered up by like 3 blankets, so I have no idea where they could be coming from! It's gotten so bad, that I don't even want to sleep in my room anymore, so please help me out