> How to keep blender clean?

How to keep blender clean?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Blend some hot salt water. Add a table spoon of vegetable oil with it to help oil the blades. Then wipe down sides with cloth. Or just by a new blender. They are around twenty bucks at retail stores.

Use a 1/4 cup of bleach with hot water. Let it set for a day and then rinse it well.

Use mineral oil to clean it in place of the detergent. Bleach may rot the gaskets. MIneral oil is harmless and can be rinsed out afterward.

Bleach works, so does T.S.P. Cleans the innards. I would let stand full of water and bleach overnight in the sink and in the morning rinse the thing out very well and let dry.

My old blender was so nasty and stained up I had to stop using it. I read to use vinegar and soap but I lost the lid so couldn't even blend it so I trashed it.

What is the best way to keep my new one clean? The bottom does not come apart.

Should I put some soap and hot water and clean it right after every use? I mainly use it for veggie smoothies and there were so many green stains on my old one.