> How to keep wasps away from home?

How to keep wasps away from home?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
You can build a fake nest (because wasps are territorial), trap them, or use chemicals (which kill other insects as well.) Check out this "natural" site on wasps:


You should certainly use wasp spray on nests as soon as you find them -- before they get bigger, You may have to examine your home on a daily basis for a while.

When I find a nest, I soak it with the garden hose. If your being attacked, it,s because they are defending a nest. Try soaking the nests for 2 or 3 days to keep the area wet. Wasps won,t build a nest in a wet area. When you are hosing down the nests, you can spray the wasps also. When they hit the floor, you can step on them.

Winter is over. It is spring now so the wasps are out and the outside of my house is covered in them. They hover in groups around my front and back door so it's hard for me to go outside without them flying in. They make nests on my porches. I'm constantly knocking them down but they just keep popping up. The other day I had a barbecue party because it was nice outside and 3 people got stung by them. So I can't even have barbecues! And every time I go outside they chase me around. They are controlling my house. Is there something I can do to get rid of these annoying little bastards??