P.S: Happy Birthday
Wow- I used to do this all the time as a kid (LOL- seriously). What I used to do is to drag any coffee table or lamp table near the couch, pull the cushions up so that one edge is just barely on the couch and the other end just barely on the table. You can also grab light blankets and hang them over any of the open spots that are not covered by a pillow or cushion. Now if you will excuse me, I will now regress from being in my mid 40s to my teens as I set this up for my own kids tomorrow ;-) Happy B Day in advance and hope this helps!
You see, if you had a childhood away from technology and iPads and stuff, u would know that this can be built quite easily
(Sorry btw if u didnt have a childhood of iphones and ipads)
Use your imagination.
The way to do it:
Cushions from a couch and blankets as a roof
With love,
Tomorrow's my 14th birthday (yay! lol) and I'm inviting my best friends over.
I wanna make a balloon out in my living room (I already have a barrier set up for the balloons and everything)
But I wanna make it even MORE exciting. Is it possible to make a tunnel fort thing out of pillows and blankets? Any creative ways on how to make this will be amazing! Thanks :)