> How to make room cool without AC?

How to make room cool without AC?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Fan only blow the air but doesn't make the room cool... Any tips would be great

Drop some cool water on the floor, and let the window open. I think that works.

I rigged a fan in the window pointing out upstairs and opened my basement windows so as to draw the cooler basement air upstairs. Not ac but it helped.

The ice can be made in plastic gallon jugs, soda bottles and other containers. While you use 1 or 2 the other ones can be freezing to keep you going in ice. Wrap towels around them and place in containers. The fan blowing on the ice will feel good.

If the night air is cool; open windows some on the opposite sides of the room or a door and this will draw air into the room.

Keep the sun out.

Sleep on a sheet.

Place a damp bed sheet or towel between the fan and you.

The lower the humidity, the cooler the room will feel. Try a de-humidifier along with the fans.

block of ice in front of fan! look on you tube. lots of videos

Using an oscilating fan . . .

Put on skimpy, cool, summer clothes . . . covered with a layer of absorbant, cotton, long-sleeve/leg clothing . . . but, thoroughly mist the outer layer . . . or, dunk it & ring it out . . . and sit on water repellant furniture.

Re-hydrate clothing periodically, as needed, and sit in front of *oscillating* fan.

Just putting a cotton hand towel that is wet-but-wrung-out around your neck will do wonders.

This will cool your body, but not the room.

Another ways to keep yourself cool is to eat frozen peas, etc. . . . thoroughly masticate & extract most of their cold in your mouth . . . where blood flowing through the tissues in your mouth will become chilled, and the. move on to cool off other parts of your body. This really works pretty well . . . at least with the temperatures I have had to deal with thus far.

If you have ceiling fans make sure they have been rotated for summer use. Typically, it’s counterclockwise or left for summer and clockwise for winter. I've heard freezing a gallon of water and setting it in a pan in front of the fan works well. You can also position the fan where it is blowing out so it is removing the warm are from inside.

hang a few damp towels in front of the fan

Fan only blow the air but doesn't make the room cool... Any tips would be great