> How to redecorate my bedroom?

How to redecorate my bedroom?

Posted at: 2014-09-26 
Hi - here are some ideas for your room, but one thing I would say if you keep your posters of The Vamps is to put them in frames and just have them on one wall and group them together - you need to make a statement with these, not just sticking them on the wall and on all your walls :) You will find that this way they will look really nice rather than just posters stuck on a wall.


Look at the pictures and decide first of all what colours you like. Then choose your bedding. I love the reds, oranges and yellows together (look at the picture below) - they look very fresh, bright and clean colours. Perhaps you might like just one feature wall - which would be the wall that your bed goes on and have another colour for the rest of the walls. Just a little tip if you decide to go down that road and that is - your feature wall should be the darkest wall and the rest lighter. i.e. If you use these colours I would suggest your feature wall be Red and the rest of the walls perhaps a lemon - have a look at these :)





You could have red or yellow bedding - perhaps something like these - if you choose red then go with a yellow cushion on your bed - if you go with yellow go with a red cushion on your bed - to 'tie-in' the colours.

Bedding - I like this with the grey added - also if you chose this bedding then choose something similar also for your bedside lighting with the yellow shades, but obviously a table lamp not a tall one.



A few more ideas :)



You will note that all the bright colours are very funky for your retro style :)

Well, I hope this has given you some ideas and good luck with your room and have fun :)

Ok so I'm a 15yr old girl and my dad said he would redecorate my room for me and I have no idea how to decorate it, I wanna keep up some posters of The Vamps but I wanna have a retro feel to it can anyone help or just any ideas for my room all appreciated