Bad news is if any of your items have bed bugs you're going to have them at your new place unless you quarantine your items, subject them to a few freezing nights outdoors, kill them by locating and exterminating them or by utilizing a company that provides elimination by way of warming your items up to a temperature where they cannot survive.
Any and all loose cloth items (clothes, bedding, pillows, curtains, stuffed animals, etc) that can fit in your dryer should be treated on high for 15-20 minutes as a precautionary measure to kill them.
Bed bugs hide in the crevices and folds of cloth items and furniture, so peel back any of those areas and you should be able to find and remove (most to all of them and their eggs) with sticky, clear packing tape. After you discover a location they're hiding and breeding, spray bug killer on the area after removing as many as you can with the sticky tape.
Hi, I have a pretty serious dilemma (at least in my mind.)
My Mom and I have been living in our apartment for 11 years, with no bug problems what so ever excluding a few spiders and ants seasonally. But last November our neighbor acquired bedbugs, and they quickly spread to our apartment.
Our landlord did absolutely nothing about it, so the infestation grew to be unbearable.
We couldn't afford to move until another apartment unit became available somewhere else, with better conditions, and better management.
Because the home we're living in now is practically a lost cause, we just chose to cut our losses and move what hasn't been infested (our new bed-bug proofed beds, and clothes sealed deep in our closets).
But my question is how do I tell the movers we're about to hire that we have bedbugs, a HORRID case of bedbugs at that?
I feel so embarrassed to have strangers in our house watching every step they make in fear of a bug hopping on them.
I hate to admit that I'm afraid of what they'd think!